Our Learn Thai Singapore online class is open for registration.

It will conduct on Zoom.

Please contact me (WhatsApp : 98136587) if you are interested or private class and for more info.

please note that the class will be between 4 – 6 students.

What is Included in the Thai class?

This Thai Language Course will include:


    1. Ebook to speak Thai and to write Thai.

    1. The Thai language course are 1.5 Hour or 2 Hours each and 10 lessons (10 weeks).


The below dates are tentative dates and is subject to change without prior notice.
All courses are tentative until officially confirmed on the website.
All the lessons are held on a weekly basis unless stated differently.

Courses :

Level Start Date Times size session / hours Fees
    Thai Conversation      
Thai conversation beginner 
(by kruu Jan)
Monday 10.00- 12.00
(2 hours)
4-8 person 10 sessions
(20 hours)
Thai conversation beginner 
(by kruu Kate)
Monday 12.00-13.30 4-8 person 10 sessions
(15 hour)
Thai conversation beginner 
(by kruu Ploy)
Tuesday 17.30-19.00
(1.5 hour)
4-6 person 10 sessions
(15 hour)
    Thai writing      
Thai writing beginner
(by kruu Kate)
Monday 10.30-12.00
(1.5 hour)
4-8 person 10 sessions
(15 hour)
Thai writing beginner
(by kruu Kate)
Tuesday 19.00-20.30
(1.5 hour)
4-8 person 10 sessions
(15 hour)
Thai writing Basic
(by kruu Kate)


(2 hour)
4-8 person 10 sessions
(20 hours)
Thai writing intermediate
(by kruu Kate)


18.00 – 20.00
(2 hour)
4-8 person 10 sessions
(20 hours)
Thai writing beginner 
(by kruu Kris)
Friday 18.00 – 19.30
(1.5 hour)
4-8 persons 10 sessions
(15 hours)
    Thai Mother Tongue Language (MTL)      
(Thai Mother Tongue)
(by kruu kate )
private class
(2 hours / lesson)
Please contact us individual 10 sessions
(20 hours)
Please WhatsApp us
+65 98136587
Thai conversation
Thai writing
private class
(2 hours / lesson)
Please contact us individual 10 sessions
(20 hours)
Please WhatsApp us
+65 98136587
