Thai Mother Tongue Exam Preparation Guide

Thai Mother Tongue Exam Preparation Guide


The Thai mother tongue exam gives students a total of 3 hours to complete it.

with a full score of 100 marks. The exam consists of three sections:

  • Section A – Composition (50 marks)

Students must choose 2 out of 5 topics. Each topic is worth 25 marks (2 x 25 = 50 marks). Students are expected to write approximately 150 words per topic. The topics are:

    • Express an opinion
    • Communicate by letter
    • Narrate a story or series of events
    • Describe a scene or occasion
    • Compose or report a dialogue
  • Section B – Translation (30 marks)

This section consists of 2 questions, and students must complete both:


  • Translate a passage from Thai to English (10 marks)
  • Translate a passage from English to Thai (20 marks)


  • Section C – Reading Comprehension (20 marks)

This section consists of a Thai-language passage that students must read and then answer questions to test their understanding of the passage. The passage could be from a novel, documentary, newspaper, magazine, or other books. Answers must be written in Thai only.


How important is it to learn Thai script when learning the language?

Learning the Thai script is essential for anyone serious about mastering the language. While it’s possible to learn to speak Thai without learning the script, doing so severely limits your ability to engage with the language fully. The Thai script, known as “อักษรไทย” (akson thai), is a beautiful and intricate writing system with its own unique characters. Not only does learning the script allow you to read and write in Thai, but it also helps reinforce your understanding of vocabulary and pronunciation. Additionally, many resources for learning Thai, such as books, newspapers, and websites, are written in the Thai script. Without the ability to read these materials, you miss out on valuable opportunities to expand your language skills and cultural knowledge. Therefore, while learning the Thai script may seem daunting at first, it is an essential step in your journey to fluency in the language.